SecAppDev 2023 lecture details
42 things
This session covers 42 things about appsec. SIX software security zombies. TEN software security flaws. SEVEN software security myths. SEVEN startup lessons. FOUR CISO tribes. SEVEN things I learned in 21 years. Oh, and ONE BONUS THING.
Wednesday June 14th, 11:00 - 12:30
Room West Wing
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Software security is hard and being successful is about a lot more than performing risk analysis or following secure coding guidelines. It takes knowledge of the technical aspects, but just as well the skills to navigate people involved.
In this session, we discuss all that in 42 things based on my decades of experience. SIX software security zombies. TEN software security flaws. SEVEN software security myths. SEVEN startup lessons. FOUR CISO tribes. SEVEN things I learned in 21 years. Oh, and ONE BONUS THING.
Key takeaway
A treasure trove of advice based on the experience of a pioneer in the field of software security, or "42 things" in short
Content level
Target audience
All SecAppDev participants
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Gary McGraw
CEO, Berryville Institute of Machine Learning
Expertise: Software security, machine learning security, security engineering
Join us for SecAppDev. You will not regret it!
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