SecAppDev 2023 Faculty
Isabelle Mauny
Field CTO, 42Crunch
I have been spending the last 15 years helping people integrate their applications internally and externally. I introduced IBM DataPower in Europe in 2005 and worked with numerous enterprises customers deploying what were the first API Gateways. I have stayed in that field since then, with a stronger focus on security in the past 5 years with 42Crunch.
Don't miss out on SecAppDev!
Grab your seat nowOpenAPI: the common language of APIs
Deep-dive lecture by Isabelle Mauny in room Lemaire
Monday June 12th, 14:00 - 15:30
Understand how API contracts can be written in with the OpenAPI standard and leveraged across the API lifecycle, including for security.
Key takeaway: Learning about the power and extensibility of OpenAPI and its application across the API lifecycle.
Security architecture in a distributed world
Deep-dive lecture by Isabelle Mauny in room Lemaire
Tuesday June 13th, 14:00 - 15:30
This session highlights challenges in securing distributed applications and suggests field-tested solutions to tackle this emerging issue.
Key takeaway: Understand and address the challenges of securing a distributed application composed of hundreds of micro-services.