Application Security Experience Sharing Day

For the sixth consecutive year, the Belgian Cyber Security Coalition is proud to collaborate with SecAppDev for a joint event at the same venue. We are delighted to announce that on the morning of Thursday, June 6th, esteemed speakers from SecAppDev will deliver their presentations on cutting-edge security best practices. In the afternoon, members of the Cyber Security Coalition will share their insights on "State-of-the-art Application Security." We look forward to showcasing the expertise and knowledge of both organizations, fostering a truly enriching experience.

This year, the following speakers from SecAppDev will also speak at the Application Security Experience Sharing Day
Jasper Rots Jasper Rots
Jasper Rots

Cyber security architect


Michael Boeynaems Michael Boeynaems
Michael Boeynaems

Co-founder, lector

Splynter BV, AP Hogeschool

Slawomir Goryczka Slawomir Goryczka
Slawomir Goryczka

Software Engineer in Security


Neil Madden Neil Madden
Neil Madden

Founder and CEO

Illuminated Security Ltd

Jim Manico Jim Manico
Jim Manico


Manicode Security

This event is organized by the Belgian Cyber Security Coalition, and is not part of the SecAppDev course program.

Registrations for the Application Security Experience Sharing Day are handled separately by the CSC. A registration for the experience sharing day does not grant you access to SecAppDev or vice versa.

About the Cyber Security Coalition

The Belgian Cyber Security Coalition is a special collaboration among academic, public, and private sector partners, with over 100 key participants working together to fight cybercrime. Their goal is to improve Belgium's cyber security resilience by creating a strong national network. Through a platform built on trust, they encourage information sharing and joint actions across four strategic areas: knowledge exchange, cooperation, policy guidance, and raising public awareness to promote a safer digital landscape.

For more information on the Cyber Security Coalition or how to become a member, you can reach out to the CSC directly.