SecAppDev 2024 lecture details
Practical cryptography with Tink
Learn how to translate cryptography know-how into robust working code that is easy to review. Avoid common implementation pitfalls by learning how to use the modern Tink cryptographic library.
Monday June 3rd, 16:00 - 17:30
Room West Wing
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There are many textbooks and courses to learn the theoretical foundations of cryptography, and particular constructions, but fewer dive into the details of how to translate that into working production code.
In this session we will describe the challenges presented by traditional cryptography libraries, and the security vulnerabilities that can result from misuse. We will then examine modern hard-to-misuse libraries, focusing on Google’s Tink library. Particular attention is paid to key storage and management.
Key takeaway
Learn how to use Tink to implement cryptographic features and protocols in a robust manner.
Content level
Target audience
Anyone working with practical cryptography
A good working knowledge of cryptographic primitives and how they are used in theory.
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Neil Madden
Founder and CEO, Illuminated Security Ltd
Expertise: Application security and applied cryptography
Join us for SecAppDev. You will not regret it!
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