SecAppDev 2025 workshop details

Secure Coding Workshop

Learning goal: Attendees will learn to build secure APIs by preventing injection attacks, managing third-party risks, OAuth2 basics, securing React integrations, and handling file uploads safely. They will also explore AI-assisted code generation.

Schedule TBD

This hands-on workshop teaches developers the principles of secure coding, focusing on real-world attack scenarios and defense strategies. Participants will learn to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities such as injection flaws, XSS, authentication weaknesses, and insecure dependencies. Using AI code generators and security tools, attendees will strengthen their ability to write robust, secure applications.

Ideal for developers looking to enhance their security mindset and build software that withstands modern threats.

Content overview
  • API Security Basics
  • Injection Attacks
  • Third-Party Library Security
  • AI for Secure Code Creation
  • OAuth2/OIDC Introduction
  • Secure React
  • File Upload Security
Content level


Target audience

Anyone wanting to learn about secure coding


Basic software development for the web

Technical requirements

Just a laptop with a browser

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Jim Manico
Jim Manico

Secure Coding Instructor, Manicode Security

Expertise: Application security

More details

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