A Secure Application Development course

SecAppDev teaches secure software engineering, using an effective mix of theory and practice. Participants invest in a week-long journey into the intriguing world of software security, with topics ranging from integrating security into the development lifecycle, to the most recent Web security technologies.

Experts from both industry and academia present current best practices for building secure applications, and reveal key advances in security research. Content-packed lectures are followed by extensive hands-on sessions, allowing participants to immediately put newly acquired skills into practice. The course is targeted at developers whose main focus is not security, but who will benefit from being security-savvy to build better and more reliable applications.

SecAppDev 2025 runs from June 2nd - 6th

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SecAppDev in a nutshell

Bart Preneel at SecAppDev

Acclaimed Faculty

The SecAppDev faculty consists of world-renowned experts in Secure Application Development. Practitioners and researchers work together, providing a healthy mix of best practices and state-of-the-art technologies.

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Hands-on session at SecAppDev

Immersive Sessions

SecAppDev provides an interactive and immersive learning experience, with plenty of room for discussion. Lectures go into depth on a variety of topics, with handouts for reference. Hands-on sessions provide practical experience under expert guidance.

The Faculty Club venue with our SecAppDev flag

Enchanting Venue

The Groot Begijnhof is an enchanting UNESCO world heritage site, right in the heart of the historic town of Leuven, Belgium. To top it off, the lunches are served by an award-winning chef. So SecAppDev is housed in the jewel of KU Leuven's crown.

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