Handouts - SecAppDev 2018
Alain Cieslik
Aram Hovsepyan & Kim Wuyts
Barry Dorrans
Bart Preneel
- Cryptography best practices [BOOK]
- Cryptography best practices [SLIDES]
- Cryptography in a post-Snowden era
- Entity authentication
- Network security protocols
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) fundamentals
- cryptographic algorithms
Claudia Diaz
Dominick Baier
- A practical introduction to OpenID Connect & OAuth 2.0
- Identity and access control- present & future
Frank Piessens
Herbert Bos
- On the vulnerability of software without bugs or flaws
- Why none of your defenses will really stop attackers (but may still be useful)
Jake Goulding
- Hands-on introduction to Rust - Lab sessions
- How Rust helps us make safer and more secure code
- Introduction to Rust