SecAppDev 2024 lecture details

Building Secure ReactJS Applications

Learn to secure ReactJS apps against XSS, data leaks, and more. Dive into props, dangerouslySetInnerHTML, CSS, JSON, XSS protections, and SSR. Essential for safer development.

Tuesday June 4th, 09:00 - 10:30
Room West Wing
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Explore ReactJS security to combat risks like XSS and data leaks. Learn to secure React apps beyond built-in features, covering topics such as unescaped props, dangerouslySetInnerHTML, JavaScript URLs, CSS styled-components, JSON integration, React's XSS protections, advanced defense tactics, lazy loading, access control, template injection vulnerabilities, and server-side rendering. This session equips developers with strategies for building safer ReactJS applications.

Key takeaway

Component dynamics, unescaped props, dangerouslySetInnerHTML, JavaScript URLs, CSS, JSON, XSS defenses, lazy loading, template injection, SSR.

Content level


Target audience

ReactJS developers


Understanding of the ReactJS framework

Join us for SecAppDev. You will not regret it!

Jim Manico
Jim Manico

CEO, Manicode Security

Expertise: Secure coding, security engineering

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